Welcome to our Pre-Designed Brand Concepts – where creativity meets convenience!

At Brand Her Niche, we understand that time is precious for female creatives and entrepreneurs. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of stunning brand concepts that you can instantly make your own.

Why Choose Our Pre-Designed Brand Concepts?

  • Instant Branding: Get a head start on your brand with professionally crafted concepts.
  • Time-Saving: Say goodbye to lengthy brainstorming – our concepts are ready to use.
  • Affordable: High-quality branding without breaking the bank.
  • Customizable: Tailor these concepts to your unique style and vision.
  • Exclusive: Stand out with designs you won’t find anywhere else.

Browse Our Collection

Brands in this category are dedicated to female entrepreneurs and business leaders. Concepts focus on empowerment, mentorship, and creating a supportive community for women in business.

This category is tailor-made for mom influencers who effortlessly combine their love for fashion with their dedication to family life. Concepts within this category celebrate stylish parenting, where fashion meets family in perfect harmony.

This category is designed for plus-size creators and influencers who are globetrotters and fashion enthusiasts. Concepts within this category embody confidence, wanderlust, and the art of curating a personal brand that inspires others.

How It Works:

  1. Browse: Explore our diverse collection and find a concept that resonates with your brand vision.
  2. Customize: Work with our team to personalize your chosen concept – colors, fonts, and more.
  3. Launch: Once it’s tailored to your brand, you’ll have everything you need to make a memorable impression.


Our pre-designed brand concepts are budget-friendly, starting at just $79. See individual concept pages for detailed pricing.

Get Started:

Ready to elevate your brand effortlessly? Contact us to discuss your choice or schedule a consultation.


Game Changer!

I was amazed by the variety of Pre-Designed Concepts available. Brand Her Niche helped me find the perfect fit for my e-commerce store. The included domain name made the process even smoother. It’s a game-changer for entrepreneurs!
Emily R.
Owner of Chic Haven

Time Saving Service

I can’t thank Brand Her Niche enough for their Pre-Designed Concepts. It saved me time and effort in building my brand from scratch. The domain name included in the package was a bonus. I’m now confident in my brand’s identity and direction.
Jessica M.
Creator of the Eco Elegance


1. What are Pre-Designed Brand Concepts?

  • Pre-Designed Brand Concepts are ready-made brand identities that include names, logos, color palettes, and more. They provide a solid foundation for businesses to build upon.

2. How do I choose the right concept for my brand?

  • Our concepts are categorized based on various industries and themes. You can select the one that aligns best with your business goals and values.

3. Can I customize a Pre-Designed Concept?

  • Absolutely! While these concepts offer a strong starting point, you can work with our team to tailor them to your brand’s unique needs and preferences.

4. Can I choose to include the domain name with my Pre-Designed Concept purchase, or purchase it separately?

  • You have the flexibility to decide. We offer the option to include the associated domain name as part of your package for a seamless brand identity. However, if you prefer to acquire the domain separately or already have one in mind, we can accommodate that as well. Simply let us know your preference during the process.

5. Can I trademark a Pre-Designed Concept?

  • Trademarking depends on various factors, including your region and the uniqueness of the concept. We recommend consulting a legal professional for guidance.

6. Are Pre-Designed Concepts suitable for any industry?

  • Our concepts cover a wide range of industries, but some may be more niche-specific. Contact us for personalized recommendations.

7. What’s included in a Pre-Designed Concept package?

  • A typical package includes the brand name, logo files, color palette, domain name, and brand guidelines to help you maintain brand consistency.

8. Can I see samples of your Pre-Designed Concepts?

  • We can provide samples based on your industry and preferences. Contact us, and we’ll be happy to share examples.

9. How quickly can I launch my brand with a Pre-Designed Concept?

  • The timeline varies depending on customization and domain setup. On average, you can launch within a few weeks to a couple of months.

10. What if I need additional branding services beyond the concept?

  • We offer a range of branding services, including website design, content creation, and more. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.

11. Can I purchase a Pre-Designed Concept directly from the website without consultation?

  • Yes, you have the option to make a direct purchase through our website without the need for a consultation. We understand that some clients may prefer this streamlined process. Simply browse our collection, choose the concept that aligns with your brand, and follow the easy steps to secure it. However, if you’d like customization or additional services, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.